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stem and leaf displays
introduction a stem and leaf display may be regarded as an
enhanced histogram in which data values are
displayed. the leading digits of the data values
comprise the stem and the trailing digits form the
leaves. e.g.the value 264 may be displayed as >_
26 M4
the values 264 278 264 264 279 as>_
26 M444
27 M89
command syntax dddd[ data values _create variable dddd
containing data
stemleaf dddd _produces a stem and leaf display
of data values in dddd
stemleaf ddddP0.5 _produces a stem and leaf display
of square roots of data in dddd
comments Jthis function will take numeric vectors and arrays
as its right argument. @@@@@@@
Jthe stem may be scaled and the data values rounded
e.g. the data value 36578 may be represented as
36 M6
the scaling factor is displayed on output.
Jthe number of data values comprising a leaf is
is given. e.g. 4 36 M6789
Jdepending on the width of the display, the
of both the number of data values displayed and
contained in the data set are given
parameters there are three parameters that can be changed by
the user >_
1.scale :default_ 1" _varies the display depth
to alter enter _ scale[2 :say"
2.width :default_ 60" _varies the display width
3.atom :default _ 10P@8" _avoids zero division
errors you can achieve errors in the following ways>_
Jsubmitting a character vector or array
`fix _ only use numerics
Jattempting to stemleaf a transformed data set
when the transformation generates a domain error
e.g. stemleaf 10 dddd _i.e. log transformation
of data in dddd. if dddd contains 0 or negative
values a Kdomain errorK will result.
`fix _ stemleaf 10 :dddd-1" :say"
stemleaf 10 Mdddd
errors Jsetting the width parameter less than the default.
:this is because the headings are appended to the
`fix _ reset width parameter ^ to default value
PPPP syntax differences PPPP
page mcneilKKs book eda package
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
11 let z%islandsY0.5 z[islandsP0 5
11 let z%log:islands" z[10 islands
that is, the function KletK is not necessary
PPPP practice PPPP
this workspace contains a data set called KinsectsK :p12,mcneil".
try entering the following commands >_
insects _ displays data values in insects
stemleaf insects
stemleaf insectsP0.5 _ stemleaf of square roots
stemleaf insects ;<3 4 5' _ display of cols 3,4,and 5